Slovensko društvo za varilno tehniko - SDVT

Slovenian Welding Society (SDVT) has been representing the interests of companies, establishments and individuals working in the field of welding, adhesion bonding and other joining techniques.

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Slovensko društvo za varilno tehniko - SDVT

We have established a strong national and international network. Its main purpose is collaboration in the field of education, certification and technical innovations.

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Years of Educating Welding Personnel

Authorized National Body

SDVT is the only Authorized National Body (ANB) of the IIW in Slovenia (To be referred to as ANB-Slovenia) for award of International Diplomas to Welding Personnel at various levels.

  • Globally recognized and accepted Diplomas
  • Curriculums are conducted at Approved Training Bodies (ATB) of ANB Slovenia
  • Authorized National Body for Company Certification (ANBCC)
  • Certification of conformance to ISO 3834
  • All Diplomas and Personnel Certification according to IIW authorization
  • Diplomas are internationally recognized and equivalent to other ANB Diplomas

Building a culture of knowledge

Our primary mission is to advance knowledge and training in the field of welding and joining technologies. We are committed to fostering innovation and promoting the exchange of expertise among our member organizations to drive continuous improvement in welding practices and standards.

Effective Industrial Team Work

We actively collaborate with industry partners to bridge the gap between academia and practical applications within the welding sector. Through strategic partnerships and joint research projects, we facilitate the transfer of cutting-edge technologies and knowledge, ensuring that our industry remains at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness.

Issued Diplomas
Positive Rating

Check out the new issue of
The VARILNA Tehnika journal

The new issue of VARILNA tehnika for the year 2024 is now availible!



Our Partners

Our partners, are internationally recognized organizations that collaborate closely with us to advance welding technology and standards, ensuring the highest level of expertise and innovation in the field. Together, we strive to drive excellence and promote the latest advancements in welding techniques and practices worldwide.