
SDVT is authorised by EWF and IIW to operate the Personnel Certification Scheme (PCS)

SDVT enables EWF/IIW diploma holders to demonstrate consolidation of their learning in practical application, post completion of the qualification. PCS is open to holders of any level of the EWF/IIW Diploma (IWE/IWT/IWS), issued by SDVT and hold a minimum of two years’ experience in the relevant field.

In order to maintain professional competence, it is necessary for welding coordinators to receive lifelong education and gain experience in their professional field. Welding specialists, technologists and engineers who are thus qualified can obtain a certificate at one of three levels:

    Certified International Welding Specialist (Basic Level)

  • CIWT

    Certified International Welding Technologist (Specific Level)

  • CIWE

    Certified International Welding Engineer (Comprehensive Level)